mercredi 30 novembre 2011

"IPhone", the keyword high-tech's most wanted on Yahoo!

Like every year, search engines are taking stock of the terms that were most typed by users. In 2011, according to the classification established by the Yahoo! search in French, iPhone was the keyword on which it was made the more research in the field of high-tech. Then comes another Apple product, the iPad. BlackBerry climbed into third position and TomTom hunting this past year on the podium. Nokia still remains, despite a decline in market share in telephony. The supplier comes to the fifth place of the keywords most used technology.
From a general point of view, users were interested in the news. The three most popular requests concern in order of arrival, the Arab spring, DSK and the case of the Ivorian crisis. The highly publicized Lady Gaga gets the 10th place of the standings, behind Carla Bruni-Sarkozy who joined the 7th position of the Top 10.

iOS 5: Discover the Safari Drive mode

With Drive Mode in Safari for iOS 5, you can see the main article of a web page in a purified form that recalls the application iBooks.
The presentation of most websites is so rich, and these ads are so interesting that articles are sometimes lost in the shuffle. Safari Drive Mode to display the main article in a purified form. If the text is divided into several HTML pages, they arise as a result of each other.
Visit a site like Mediapart. Touch Player, which appears at the top right of the address bar to go to the simplified display. A button on the top left of the first page can increase or decrease font size.

If you scroll through the pages, you will see that the rest of the paper is loaded automatically, without you having to touch any connection. In most cases, the photos and videos of the article is still available.
To return to the standard display, touch the button again player, now displayed in purple (on the iPad) or Done (on iPhone).

Google Maps 6.0 enters buildings

The new Android version of the mapping software now displays the inner planes of certain buildings such as airports and department stores. Only the United States and Japan for now.So far Google Maps for Android stopped at the door of the buildings. This is not the case with version 6.0 of the mapping service (available for Android 2.2 and above). The mobile application, available from Tuesday, November 29, 2011, shows the inner planes of certain buildings.The function does for the moment that localized sites in the United States and Japan, but it is accessible to all users. Google has formed partnerships with major retailers such as Macy's, Home Depot and Ikea, plans to offer some shopping centers. More than fifty airports and department stores have been mapped. A list is available online.
The plans indicate the airport terminals, the presence of elevators, escalators, defibrillators, toilets ... When a building has several floors, they are shown on the screen and the user can switch from one to the other by touching finger to the desired number.The plans indicate the presence of elevators, airport terminals, the escalators, defibrillators, toilets ... When a building has several floors, they are shown on the screen and the user can switch from one to the other by touching finger to the desired number.Location even without GPSGoogle has not given up its service offering location, even inside buildings. The user can thus identify with the traditional small blue dot on the screen.The search giant claims an accuracy of few meters and the software automatically displays the floor where the person is. The principle is the same as outside, except that the location does not rely on the GPS receiver of the phone (the signal does not go inside), but only on the presence of Wi-Fi identified by Google. The accuracy of the location will depend on the signal quality and the number of hot spots.

Warning radars: the tactics of the police is not clear

The new legislation on the radar warning raises many questions. What to expect during a traffic stop? 01net. attempts to provide some answers.Since November 28, the radar warning became tools for the conduct that should be excluded from their vocabulary the word "radar". Consequently, users are forced to update their equipment so as not to drive illegally. Recall that the penalty is very heavy, a fine of 1500 euros and a withdrawal of 6 points of the permit. But it is feared that if we use a device that is outdated? What can turn to a traffic stop? We took advantage of the presence of the Force and National Police Motorcycle Show in an attempt some answers.The malaise in the police

We are greeted by a police captain, well aware of the new legislation. The discomfort is palpable and sensitive subject. There is no question of jargon, but we are told that at present no information, no setpoint (circular) clear was given. Therefore, the police are struggling to explain how far they can go to a traffic stop and did not see handling equipment drivers. It seems that hunting warning radars legacy and their variants (specific applications on smartphones) is not a priority ...No slogan among police officersOn the stand of the National Police is the element of surprise. Any guidance on what to do during a traffic stop was given. Even more surprising, even disturbing in light of the penalty, the police told us not to have been officially informed of this new law, if not by the media. Same story in the Force: one imagines poorly handling equipment drivers.In any case, no training has been provided to law enforcement with regard to numerous platforms likely to fall within the scope of the law: GPS, mobile phones, alarms ...

Microsoft Security Essentials: A new version for

The publisher updates its virus free. It has launched a campaign to test a limited number of users.
By the end of the year, Microsoft will offer an update of its free antivirus. Since yesterday, some of its users can test the next version of Security Essentials. The editor had invited to register for this phase of beta testing a week ago.
Those who wish can download Security Essentials 4.0.1111.0 on Microsoft Connect site (subject to an account). Two editions are available for platforms AMD and Intel. Note that those who had the French version of the software must be uninstalled to run the beta, available in English.

Microsoft says that this new version is fully functional and it will feature updates, provided that Microsoft Update is set to automatic mode. The testers will occasionally receive e-mails from the publisher asking them to answer a few questions. At the end of the campaign, the final version of the software will be automatically installed.
Difficult at this stage to account for improvements in this new edition of Security Essentials. Microsoft announces simplifications in the GUI (which does not jump in the eyes), stronger protections and better performance.

Eleven criteria for choosing the right TV


If the price and design are the main criteria for buying a TV, other factors come into play to make sure you make the right choice.
In most cases, buyers are moving naturally to TVs from 32 to 40 inch, top, usage patterns and installation drawings inherited from the CRT. If it was good to stay away from the TV dad today, the quality of flat panel displays, their sharpness, their ability to control and resolution of HD channels used to think big and push the limits of trouble-free size. Even with 2.50 m of decline. Then dare the 46 or 50 inches, you will not regret it. Especially since most models are also on their thinness, their ability to dress hanging wall and lacquered or metallized to seduce and be integrated in all styles of interior.

Internet without Borders complaint against Facebook

An association appealed to the CNIL. Internet Without Borders accuses Facebook of violating French law on data protection, including facial recognition on the billions of personal photos on servers in the Web 2.0 site.Certainly, Europe is not a haven for Facebook. After an investigation by the Irish data protection, and the remonstrances of Viviane Reding, who wants to change the European directives on the same personal information, the social network with 800 million members faces a complaint from a French association.Internet Sans Frontières has indeed enter the CNIL (National Commission for Informatics and Freedoms), accusing the company of Mark Zuckerberg to "wear many attacks on the protection of personal data in violation of the law 78-17 of 6 January 1978, known as Data Protection. " Several points are accused of the social network.
Illegal collection of personal dataThe association accuses Facebook to recover from "unfair and fraudulent" information about its members, including through "cookies zombies." Files that would be able to rebuild after deletion by the account holder. Similarly, the button Like, now on partner sites, will retrieve data on the browsing history of the Internet."These data are not only about Facebook account holders, whether or not connected to the platform, but they are also related to non-holders including Facebook retains data without their knowledge," says the association with a letter from the lawyer is available online.Internet Without Borders estimates that face recognition approaches developed by the site of a biometric technology. And that the state "Facebook has made the collection and treatment of billions of photographs of its users" without "the first having informed" or "required to have their express consent" to the implementation "of such a device intrusive. "The association also points out, according to the complaint filed in Ireland, the social network is suspected of collecting personal information from non-members, via file synchronization of address books or mobile webmail. Finally, the Internet Without Borders accuses Facebook to store and archive all requests made on behalf of people when looking on the Internet social network, without being members of the community.The agreement with the Federal Trade Commission does not changeOn data retention after deletion by users, the association points out that not only the data is still stored on Facebook servers, but they would not be on a separate server with limited access."The mutual agreement reached yesterday between the company and the Federal Trade Commission [FTC, Federal Trade Commission, note] is unsatisfactory with regard to the concerns and issues raised by this complaint. (...). Issues relating to the ownership of personal data, to protect the identity of users, tracking of [their] online activity remain unanswered, "said the association in a posting on its website.Indeed, according to several months of negotiations, the U.S. regulator and Facebook have reached a compromise focusing on contractual commitments. The network will, for example, obtain affirmative express consent from consumers before enacting changes that nullify their privacy preferences. And should be more transparent about how it collects data, including third-party applications.On his blog, Mark Zuckerberg has cracked a note: "We made some mistakes. I agree that Facebook will become the leader in terms of transparency and privacy control. "Measures and promises that do not alter the delicate position of the web site on the Old Continent.

Life and Earth A sudden stress the human brain is in survival mode

Acute stress, such as seeing a violent film, changes the way our brains operate researchers report. Stress is known to sharpen our senses, creating an awake frightened, strengthen the memory of our past experiences of stress and impede our ability to deliberate.

Experiments in animals have also revealed the sequence of biochemical responses triggered by acute stress. This process is relatively slow and can not be followed by conventional neuroimaging techniques used to study this type of situation in humans. Erno (Full name: Raketentechnik ERNO GmbH) Hermans and his colleagues have now investigated how the human brain reacts to an acute stress on time scales (Time is a concept developed to represent the change in the world: the universe is never fixed, the component parts move, transform and evolve to ...) shorter. They conducted an experiment where volunteers watched clips from films to be very violent or violence-free. They studied the activity of their brain imaging technique called fMRI-BOLD and also collected some of their saliva to be assayed substances related to stress.

Volunteers who had seen the violent episodes showed an increase in response and interconnection in neural networks involved in attention, arousal, and neuroendocrine system. The researchers also examined the relative role of adrenaline and cortisol, two hormones related to stress, and found that the first but not the second seemed responsible for this reorganization nervous.

A wireless connection as fast as fiber optics

While the optical fiber is still being deployed in France, Japanese researchers at the University of Osaka and manufacturer of electronic components Rohm managed to create a chip that can transfer data (in the information technology (IT), data is a basic description, often coded, for one thing, a business transaction, event, etc..) wireless speeds comparable ... to those obtained by the fiber (a fiber is a basic training, plant or animal, filamentous appearance, is generally in the form of beams.) optics (optics is the branch of physics that deals with light and relations with the vision.).
Indeed, two of these chips exchanged wireless data at a rate of 1.5 Gb / s (world record) using wave (A wave is the propagation of a disturbance occurring in its wake a reversible change local physical properties. It carries energy without transporting matter.) "terahertz", located between the light waves (light refers to electromagnetic waves visible to the human eye, that is to say, included in wavelengths from 0.38 to 0.78 micron (380 nm to 780 nm on ...) and radio waves on the electromagnetic spectrum (the electromagnetic spectrum is the decomposition of electromagnetic radiation according to its different components in terms of frequency energy photons or ...). These chips were developed by using the tunnel (a tunnel is an underground passage to delivering a channel of communication (railway, canal, road, footpath) . ...), are discovered by a researcher (Researcher (female researcher) means a person whose job is to do research. It is difficult to clearly define the profession of researcher ...) Japanese (Leo Esaki ) who received the Nobel Prize in Physics (The Nobel Prize in Physics is a prize awarded by the Nobel Foundation in the field of physics.) in 1973 for this development. Researchers say that it is possible with this technology (The word has two meanings of technology made:) to reach a speed (the speed is a physical quantity which measures the evolution of a quantity over time.) of 30 Gb / s.
The semiconductor, with a length of two inches and a height (height has several meanings depending on the area covered.) Of a centimeter (a centimeter (symbol cm) is 10-2 m = 0.01.) is attached to an antenna (in radio, an antenna is a device to shine (transmitter) or catch (receiver) electromagnetic waves.) size of a grain (in Meteorology: A grain is a strong wind and of short duration which rises suddenly and is usually accompanied by precipitation. It usually occurs in the passage of a line ...) of rice. It can be produced for only a few hundred yen (a few euros). This differs significantly from the current 20 cm chip, costing millions of yen (several tens of thousands of euros) and reaching a maximum at 100 Mb / s transmission rate.
The process of mass production of these chips will be developed in order to equip future mobile phones and other electronic equipment in three or four years.

Robocast: Operations brain surgery safer

Researchers German, Italian, Israeli and British benefiting from EU funds have made a breakthrough in (Matter is the substance that makes up any body having a tangible reality. The three most common states are solid, liquid, gaseous state. ... She is) neurosurgical robot. The project (a project - in a professional context - a temporary adventure company in order to create a unique product or service:) Robocast has developed a new type of robot that has two major advantages for surgeons: 13 degrees (types) of freedom, against the four that were mastered by human hands during a minimally invasive surgery, and the "force feedback", ie the physical signals allowing the surgeon to assess and collect tissue the intensity of the pressure (The pressure is the force exerted on a given surface.) applied during the operation. This robot has performed endoscopic neurosurgery accurate models. Once ready for operations on humans, it could alleviate the suffering of millions of Europeans with tumors or disorders such as epilepsy, Parkinson's disease and Tourette's.

Endoscopic neurosurgery is to introduce a probe into the skull through a small opening called the burr hole, to manipulate tissue or to collect blood or other fluids. Robots are used to divide by ten shake the hand of the surgeon, making them useful to protect the delicate and crucial brain matter. Until now, robots have not passed testing for surgery as sophisticated.
Neelie Kroes, Vice President of the European Commission responsible for digital strategy, said: "If there is an activity (activity The term may refer to a profession.) That requires precision, it is the neurosurgery. I am therefore delighted that this research project (scientific research means first of all actions undertaken to produce and develop scientific knowledge. metonymic By extension, research ...) funded by the EU to help enhance the safety of surgeons and patients. If we can reduce waiting times and provide better patient outcomes in a context (the context of an event includes the circumstances and conditions that surround it; the context of a word, phrase, or a long statement of a text that includes the words ...) of an aging European population, I think we will be amply rewarded for our investment in projects technology of this type funded by the EU. "
As part of a monitoring project, called ACTIVE, parallel searches were initiated in the field of neurosurgery robot for operations that require the patient remains awake. Up to three robots (two of which are equipped with sensors and end effectors to operate and actively reduces head movement) should cooperate and assist the surgeon during the operation.
Research in the field of information technology and communication technology (ICT) applied to medicine (Medicine is a science, an art and a technique which aims to both study the human body and of its operation, as well as conservation and ...) has strong support within the framework of the Digital Agenda for Europe which aims to reduce the difficulties associated with diseases and to support active aging and healthy .Context
From November 28 to December 4 will be held the week of European robotics.
Robots play a key role in the field of computer-assisted surgery, which improves the operating conditions through the use of three-dimensional imaging, intraoperative monitoring of time (Time is a concept developed to represent change the world: the universe is never static, the component parts move, transform and evolve to the observer is man. ... If we consider) real and other tools.
In 2010, global demand for robots and related products accounted for about 15.5 billion euros, of which 3 billion in Europe.
The 7th program? For research and development, the European Commission has allocated about 400 million euros to hundreds of research projects in robotics.
Robocast project started in 2008 and resulted in surgical trials on mannequins in 2011. The ACTIVE project began in April 2011 for a period of four years and received 5.77 million euros in total funding of 7.62 million euros granted by the Commission. Six of the project partners participating in the consortium Robocast ACTIVE.

Spotify adds functionality by opening up to external applications

NEW YORK - The Swedish site online music Spotify announced Wednesday the opening of its platform to application developers, with initial support from partners such as Rolling Stone, which add extra features to its service.
"Today Spotify is a music platform," said its managing director and co-founder Daniel Ek at a presentation in New York.
"Developers can create stunning reactive applications" designed for the platform Spotify, said Ek, by demonstrating a number of services that go beyond the simple functionality of the first legal service for listening to music on demand.
The site currently offers some 15 million songs, adding 20,000 per day, was launched in Sweden in 2008. It is now present in a dozen European countries and, since July, the United States, where its presence has been multiplied through a partnership with Facebook.
He claims "more than 10 million active users", including 2.5 million paying subscribers, and an estimated seven million the number of users who registered partnership since Facebook launched in September.
Mr. Ek said that the integration of applications on its website allowed to respond to additional requests for music lovers, beyond listening to music through the application of Rolling Stone, they discover the critical album or selections of songs.
"We will add stock selection every day," promised magazine founder Jann Wenner, who attended the conference.
Through the application site Songkick UK, users can easily switch from listening to a song in search of a place in concert performers in their city. The application allows TuneWiki in turn to discover the song lyrics while listening.
Initial applications were available on Wednesday, and others to follow in the coming weeks, said a spokesman for the music site, indicating that the launch would be held simultaneously in all countries where Spotify is installed.

Tablet: Lenovo diversifies its offer public

No revolution for Lenovo, which renews its range of soft touch pads with two public terminals 7 and 10 inches, S2007 and S2010-called.
Lenovo has some company in its S2005 smartphone soon surrounded by two big sisters touch, namely S2007 and S2010 shelves.
These terminals should make their debut in China (at last count, a matter of days for the S2005) before export to other horizons, under the aegis of the IdeaPad line, generally synonymous with reliability, at least in our region.
An update to smooth slates K1 and P1, dated last representatives of a clique that touch people as Lenovo unveils its ambitions for the coming year.
The family resemblance that unites these three devices would leave just assume that their purpose is different.
Yet when the S2005 Android Gingerbread embeds into the chassis of a maximum 5-inch smartphone, abandoning his fellow phone calls for the media, according to the concept of the touch pad.
For this purpose, a dual-core processor Qualcomm Snapdragon S3 1.5 GHz imposes its convenience face a Tegra 2 whose status as an endangered species is confirmed by the emergence of Ice Cream Sandwich.
In the imminence of a uniform transition to the latest version of the Google OS, Honeycomb 3.2, however, imposes its law temporarily.
Surprise, the sensor reaches back 8 million pixels. In absolute terms, the resolution is much higher than that proposed by the competition, the Apple iPad in mind, even a tablet is not intended to substitute for the first camera.
According to The Verge, at the forefront of a quasi-official inauguration, Lenovo has twice as hard to implement in a standard 3G module and an IPS screen guarantees a quality that bodes this one valued at 1500:1 contrast .
For comparison, the iPad 2, one of the tenors of its kind, is around 1000:1 on its tiles feature the same technology.
Despite a tough configuration, self-will also appear in good shape. The Wi-Fi enabled, it tu 8 hours with 3790 mAh battery to the S2007, reaching 11 hours on the top model, equipped with a 7560 mAh battery to.
Depends on an alignment with tariff competition, the previous generation Tablet Lenovo has gone up to $ 399 for a version of Wi-Fi (no 3G) to 16 GB of internal memory.
It is likely that the last-born of the brand following this price range.

Google Maps interfere in public buildings.

Google Maps, the famous online mapping service Google will densify its database, making its entry inside public buildings. For his first attempt, Google has chosen to use this new information in the Maps application of its Android OS. On the official blog of the company, explained that "detailed plans of the floors appear automatically when you zoom in on a building with the interior mapping."

If it is legitimate to ask questions about the accuracy of GPS, it is also explained that the plan of one floor will be updated almost simultaneously to be ups and downs of the user.

The first maps provided are those of the airports in Atlanta, Chicago, San Francisco, Narita and some shopping centers such as IKEA, Home Depot, Bloomingdale's and Mitsukoshi in the United States and Japan.

Apple dream to ban Galaxy Tab 10.1N yet changed

Apple wants to ban the Galaxy Tab 10.1N] Apple did it again and this time attacking the Galaxy Tab 10.1N changed the Galaxy Tab 10.1 incriminated for plagiarism. The brand wants to prohibit the sale on German soil and Europe.

Shop and offersTotal €
No price found, while PortableGear reference prices on hundreds of shops (online).
November 30, 2011 -Act
Apple, engaged in a litigious world campaign against its rival Samsung, had persuaded a German court that the Galaxy Tab 10.1 was too much like the iPad 2. Therefore the device was banned from sale in Germany. The European industry could continue to provide German consumers.
Act 2
To avoid the risk of being evicted from an important German market, Samsung react quickly by changing technically the Galaxy Tab 10.1. The machine has a design modified to differentiate themselves from the Apple iPad. It is renamed to Galaxy Tab 10.1N this time presenting a façade rather than fully black metal "specific to the iPad." Samsung hopes to achieve compliance with the decision of the German justice and pursue the sale of its flagship tablet.
Act 3
Apple does not hear it that way and attacks again to Samsung. The brand also wants to get this ban amended, the Galaxy Tab 10.1N, while remaining silent about his grievances. The application is more ambitious because to ban not only in Germany but throughout Europe. To get Samsung will introduce its tablet before the Court of Justice on 22 December. Samsung seems to be much more confident about the outcome of the injunction. Especially since the manufacturer has obtained the temporary lifting of the ban on sale of Galaxy Tab 10.1 in Australia (before the final decision next year). A decision favorable to the German Korean brand would be a strategic setback for Apple and Samsung inversely risk losing big.

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti 448 hearts: in time for Christmas?

This year, we propose an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti. You will say so far nothing new, since the card is already on sale for several months! Well, the subtlety is to be sought in the words “Special Edition”. The new GeForce GTX 560 Ti limited quantity fits into effect between the traditional Ti GeForce GTX 560 and GeForce GTX 570.

What to expect from this limited edition of the GeForce GTX 560 Ti otherwise known as GeForce GTX 560 Ti 448 cores? What is performance? Should we kick it? The answer to his nagging questions in the following lines!
At the heart of the GeForce GTX 448 core 560 Ti
While so far the GeForce GTX 560 Ti is equipped with a graphics chip GF114 Fermi architecture (see NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti against Radeon HD 6950 1 GB), the GeForce GTX 560 Ti has a new formula GF110 characteristics reviewed and corrected. In fact, without beating around the bush any longer, the GeForce GTX 448 core 560 Ti is a GeForce 570 degraded.
We thus find the now well-known Fermi architecture as well as support for DirectX 11. If this is not new, the GeForce GTX 560 core 448 Ti stands out precisely the standard model by the number of processing cores available. We are a total of 448, against 384 for the GeForce GTX 560 Ti. Without going into architectural details that would bore the crowd with Christmas approaching, there is more processing units, but also more texture units or units in charge of functions including anti-aliasing on the GeForce GTX 448 core 560 Ti model as the GeForce GTX 560 Ti usual.
GeForce 100 architecture – Fermi
Diagram of the Fermi
But as we still find it hard to remember, they will tell you that where the GF114 GeForce GTX 560 Ti 2 embeds GPC, the GF110 advantage of this special edition of GPC 4, the arrangement is different because in place and up of 16 SM GeForce GTX 570 drops to 14 on SM. Each SM with 32 CUDA cores on GF110 GF114 on 48 against.
The immediate benefit for the user is a performance gain. Especially that one enjoys in the wake of a 320-bit memory bus and thus an increased memory bandwidth. There remains the question of how does this newcomer against the GeForce GTX 570 … This has a little more CUDA cores: cores 480 at last count, with the mechanical effect of more texture units, but same number of ROP units, the latter depending on the memory bus.
We offer the following table summarizes the characteristics of our various graphics chips:

Radeon HD 6950 GeForce GTX 460
1024 Mo
GeForce GTX 560 Ti GeForce GTX 560 Ti 448 coeurs GeForce GTX 570
Interface PCI-Ex. 16x – Gen2 PCI-Ex. 16x – Gen2 PCI-Ex. 16x – Gen2 PCI-Ex. 16x – Gen2 PCI-Ex. 16x – Gen2
Gravure 40 nm 40 nm 40 nm 40 nm 40 nm
Transistors 3 Milliards 1,95 Milliard 1.95 Milliard 3 Milliards 3 Milliards
T&L DirectX 11 DirectX 11 DirectX 11 DirectX 11 DirectX 11
Stream Processors 1408 336 384 448 480
Unités ROP 32 32 32 40 40
Unités de texture 88 56 64 56 60
Mémoire embarquée 1024 Mo (ou 2048 Mo) 1024 Mo 1024 Mo 1280 Mo 1280 Mo
Interface mémoire 256 bits 256 bits 256 bits 320 bits 320 bits
Bande passante 160 Go/s 115,2 Go/s 128,3 Go/s 152 Go/s 152 Go/s
Fréquence GPU 800 MHz 675 MHz 822 MHz 732 MHz 732 MHz
Fréquence Stream Processors 800 MHz 1350 MHz 1644 MHz 1464 MHz 1464 MHz
Fréquence mémoire 1250 MHz – GDDR5 900 MHz – GDDR5 1002 MHz – GDDR5 950 MHz – GDDR5 950 MHz – GDDR5

Microsoft Preparing Microsoft Office suite for iPad

Microsoft is actively working on the development of an iPad version of the main applications of the Office suite, according to The Daily. It would be accompanied by a new version of Office for Mac OS X Lion, and could emerge in 2012.
Microsoft Office 2008 Mac logo Clubic Mikeklo
According to The Daily, Microsoft would have the project in 2012 to distribute a version of the iPad Office suite through the App Store. The site believes that the editor of Windows would consider pricing similar to that used by Apple for its desktop applications dedicated to the iPad (Pages, Numbers or Keynote), with a price that was around 10 dollars a software.

In the absence of details, which bring credit to this rumor?
Microsoft has already begun to decline some of its software and online services in the form of iPhone and iPad (see OneNote for example). The Mac is also the only Windows platform out to have a dedicated version of the Office suite. The publisher is not a priori reluctant to offer its products on a competitive environment.
To the extent that the iPad is, depending on the market, from 60 to 80% of sales of tablets, it seems logical that Microsoft does not want to miss out on this population of potential users. Remains to be seen what form will really its proposal on the land: is it really relevant to market for a few dollars a full version of a suite of applications that is now one of its main sources of income, including in business? The answer is probably not.
However, Microsoft is currently engaged in the promotion of Office 365, an online version of its pay and productivity tools for collaboration that would find a perfect extension on the shelves of Apple, and would be a good way to attract or retain customers. In short, business forward?
The Daily also believes that a new Office for Mac could emerge in 2012. An interesting hypothesis, but leaves a little wary: Microsoft has in fact used to encourage the development of the Windows version of its sequel, before the decline in Mac OS, usually a year later. Now the publisher is currently expected on the floor next Office Windows (code-named Office 15), the first beta version is expected to emerge in early 2012.

Laptops prices will change in the first quarter of 2012

Got some news that major companies such as Acer, Asus, Toshiba may cut prices of its organs of Ultrabook in the first quarter of 2012. It is expected that these companies reduced their prices between 5% and 10%, which will lower price of 1000 $ and this, according to sources What was Intel’s dream all the time, where it is expected that the price of the device Ultrabook size 13 “to 700 $.

Spotify launches apps platform

MUSIC - To provide a more social experience. Unfortunately, still no Web client for ...
Spotify wants to continue his conquest of digital music. Wednesday, the Swedish company in New York announced the launch of a platform-house apps. Now, partners can offer the modules directly integrated into the Spotify client, such as album reviews, tops lists, concert tickets or song lyrics.
Initially, 16 apps are launched, accessible via a new section in the menu on the left (which will be available in the coming days via an update). Among the initial partners: Rolling Stone, Pitchfork and the Guardian. The SDK is open to everyone but the apps must be approved by Spotify, said its CEO, Daniel Ek.
User base tripled since September
According to Daniel Ek, "so far, the Web was silent." The main idea is to read such a critical reading and listening to a title with one click. Unfortunately, the "ubiquity" is limited promise: everything goes through the client. Clearly, for the moment, the platform is one way in the wall partitioned Spotify. There is not, for example, modules can be integrated directly on the site with the exception of Facebook, but even then, always have the desktop client to listen to the securities.

Asked about the possibility of a Web version of the client, Daniel Ek said that the current solution was "the most elegant and more functional." Unlike a Deezer or Google Music, so it is still not possible to stream its titles directly in the browser. At work, this means for example that must convince the IT department to install the software on his machine.

Nevertheless, the strategy seems to pay. Since the partnership with Facebook and the opening of service in the United States, Spotify has grown from three million users in early September to 10 million today. Above all, one in four is a premium member and pay a subscription (9.99 euros per month) for an ad-free listening and accessible offline.

The iPhone and Apple monopolize the classification of Bing and Yahoo searches in 2011

Microsoft and Yahoo have successively published their respective rankings Searches for 2011. They reflect the concerns of millions of Internet users in France and worldwide, and allow themselves to summarize the highlights of the year.
Bing Logo
Yahoo! Purple Logo
For Microsoft, which yesterday released the ranking of research on Bing worldwide, the year was mixed with music and celebrities on the one hand, crisis and human tragedy on the other. If the Redmond company does not publish overall, that of France and those from Yahoo categories confirm these trends, although the research is different.

General Yahoo search rankings 2011

In the category of consumer electronics and high-tech, many keywords are common to both competitors, although they are not in the same order:
Apple products, iPhone in mind, and are high on Bing as Yahoo. Many people were expecting a 5 and not an iPhone 4S.
Game consoles, including the Xbox and PlayStation, are also well represented.
Mobile phones of all brands seem to be a concern of French using Yahoo, including BlackBerry and Nokia, despite their apparent decline in reputation,
while for Bing, probably driven by the large share of Americans using it, rather the e-book readers (Kindle and Nook).
Yahoo search ranking high tech 2011

Conclude with a brief detour to the category of celebrities, trustee for the fairer sex with Bing as Yahoo. There is little that Justin Bieber, the singer with 15 million subscribers on Twitter, to disturb this state of affairs in the world.

Renault Scenic: Collection 2012!

Next spring, the Scénic will celebrate its third anniversary. Three years already? It was high time, therefore, to sacrifice to the traditional mid-career reviews ..."More better". The new Scénic is certainly "more better" than the Scénic it replaces. No, do not look in Robert. This barbarism has reason to ruffle the hair. However we must understand. The dose of novelty of the "new Scénic" is undeniable, as his superiority. The problem is that the Scénic "before" was already an improvement over its predecessor. Which was better than that which had preceded that ... Oh! This means if the new words fail us to avoid the clichés and platitudes.
That's why "more better" will do the trick. This time only. Finally ... We will swear to anything. Because, inevitably, the future will be better than Scénic his grandfather. Necessarily.Renault Scenic 2012 CollectionTwo new colors are introduced: Red Garnet and Blue Majorelle.Image © Renault
Waiting for the Renault Scénic "collection 2012" (like, here others who get tired of the adjective "new" ...) wants to be more attractive, more welcoming, safer, and (more) better equipped than the Scenic, uh ... 2011. Some would say that the champion of the category of compact MPV was not much to be forgiven, but you know what it is to rely too much on its laurels ...Renault Scenic 2012 CollectionImage © Renault
In terms of sales, the pair of Scénic and Grand Scénic well ahead of the Citroën C4 Picasso and Grand C4 Picasso. Renault has therefore authorized to conclude that they look like a comfortable majority of buyers of such vehicles. In France but also for export, where the Scénic is never far from the VW Touran and Opel Zafira.
It is not surprising modesty aesthetic alterations. Grand Scénic, processing more horizontal looking forward to renewing the face with it, to be closer to (slightly) from that of the Clio IV to come and restyled the Megane. At Renault, a new identity is emerging under the leadership of Laurens van den Acker. The Scenic "short" still stands by his brother, aspiring to more dynamic.
Inside, the new surroundings (new beige Initial Expression and Privilege and new offers in dark charcoal Initial Privilege) and upholstery (new upholstery fabric, leather, alcantara new pack) help to express an upmarket.Renault Scenic 2012 CollectionImage © Renault
The Scénic and Grand Scénic are the first vehicles in the Renault range to benefit from Visio System device that helps maintain driver awareness and improve visibility at night, with two features. First, the lane departure warning: a camera detects the lines demarcating the lanes and an audible alert the driver who inadvertently leaves his lane. In addition, automatic high beams: the same camera detects the headlights and the lights of vehicles in the vicinity and the illuminated areas and automatically adjusts the type of vehicle lighting (high beam / low beam). On this point, the Scénic confessed a little behind its competitors the most recent, it is true.Renault Scenic 2012 CollectionImage © Renault
It was the same help hill start, yet simple functionality of the unit that controls the braking and trajectory. As for the flashing "motorway mode", it is not please everyone, but is spreading under the influence of German automakers: a light pressure on the stalk off a series of three signals to warn of the lane change. What encourage the use of range lights on the motorway.
Following the great success of the Bose ® Edition in 2011, this limited edition is a level of equipment of its own.
The Renault Scénic and Grand Scénic Collection 2012, two new engines complete the family "Energy." According to the Energy dCi 130 diesel, they will be the first to be equipped by January 2012, the new Energy dCi 110 diesel engine.Renault Scenic 2012 CollectionAt the ceiling, behind the rearview mirror niche control of Visio System. Image © Renault
Compared to the current 1.5 dCi 110, this engine offers both CO2 record on the market (105 g / km CO2), a consumption reduction of 12% (4.1 l/100 km) and a couple up (260 Nm, 20 Nm more, available at 1750 r / min).
The Scénic and Grand Scénic benefit, also in spring 2012, the brand new Energy TCe 115 petrol engine displaying interesting figures: from 135 g / km CO2 and consumption of less than 20% compared to 1.6 16 V to 110 hp or 1.6 l/100 km less.
The increased range of Renault Scénic and Grand Scénic start at 21,350 euros (1.6 16V Authentique bioethanol) and climbs up to 36,350 euros (Initial automatique dCi 150).

Renault Scénic Collection 2012

Renault Scénic Collection 2012

 Image © Renault