dimanche 18 septembre 2011

Saurik talks about the jailbreak.

Yesterday it was in London on "My Great Fest", a "conference" bringing together some of the greatest actors in the scene where Jay Freeman aka Jailbreak Saurik, the developer, among other things, Cydia.

He spoke on the Jailbreak, here are some selected passages:

There would, he said, between 6 and 12% of users using the Jailbreak, this percentage decreases with each new release of a new IOS, users can not resist the lure of novelties.

It also indicates that only 1 in 70 pays the tweaks on Cydia! He said the understanding because Cydia is an open-source platform is that it is thank you to the pirates.

Story Continues Below...


Finally he spoke of Cydia for Mac but said he does not come out until it is fully functional.

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