vendredi 2 décembre 2011

Connected TV: towards a reconsideration of the chronology of the media?

Media chronology (time between the release of a film and its distribution on DVD or TV) could be modified. The Ministry of Culture will soon give the government a report on the subject. According to AFP, which is why you got this document, the stated objective is to offer the “best possible conditions to face international competition and better support the creation of French television.”

To do this, the proposed text to give “relevant rules of programming and broadcast of works on television.” In practice, this means that the time between the theatrical release of a movie and making it available to the channels or VOD offerings (services “delinearised”) could be reduced.
As a reminder, connected televisions are connected to the Internet and can not only receive but also to send information. These supports can therefore incorporate features or software such as navigation tools, consulting or video on demand applications.
To date, a program may be broadcast by a video-on-demand pay 4 months after its theatrical release. This chronology extends even to 36 months for the VOD and subscription VOD 48 months for free. The Minister has not explained how these delays could be reduced but he wished to clarify that it remained committed to the idea that “changes to these rules must be accompanied by counterparts from the chains, in terms of investment and editorial content, as part of a consultation conducted by the government or negotiated agreements between professionals. ”
In exchange for this revision of the chronology of the media, the culture minister hoped that all stakeholders, including foreign (Google, Apple …) contribute to the funding of creation through tax Cosip. This account of industry support of individual programs is supposed to help fund the creation of original content broadcast in France. If this plan is implemented, operators could then donate a portion of their profits on those platforms.

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