samedi 3 décembre 2011

Tutorial iPhone 3G S : Record your video in HD

Today I offer you the tutorial below:
You can record HD video with your iPhone 3G [S] and thanks to jailbreak!
How is this possible? Just because Apple imposes certain limitations, but it is totally possible to record in 720p with your iPhone 3G [S].
We’ll tell you just how to go from 40 x 480 @ 3Mbps to 1080 × 800 @ 20 Mbps.
Step One: You need an iPhone 3G [S] Jailbreak in 4.x (With Limer1n example)
Second Step: Install OpenSSH on Cydia and then reboot your 3G [S]

Step Three: Connect your iPhone 3G [S] to your computer but do not open iTunes (if iTunes opens automatically close it!)
Step Four: Connect with SSH to your iPhone. (Many SSH clients available for Mac or Windows such as Filezilla, Cyberduck and others …)
Then navigate to your iPhone make a new connection to your SSH client:
Enter the IP address in the iPhone (to find it go Régalges> Wifi> VOTREWIFI> IP Address)
Username: root
Password: alpine
Like SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol)

Fifth Step: Download your computer here
Step Six: Once logged into SSH to your iPhone navigate to this menu: / System / Library / CoreServices / / then copy / paste the file N88AP.plist (previously downloaded) to your iPhone.

Seventh Step: Navigate in this menu: / System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Celestial.framework/N88 / then again copy / paste files: AVCapture.plist; CameraRollValidator.plist; MediaValidator.plist in the directory specified above.

Eighth Step: Restart your iPhone, you’re done!

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