dimanche 12 juin 2011

Download PDFsam 2.2.1

You have a number of PDF files downloaded, but some pages do you want such a quick quarter turn or in another sequence. Whether you want a PDF file or break just the opposite: two PDFs together. Each one acts on the body are written by PDFsam.
The interface may have some corny PDFsam eyes, is functional in any case it does. In the left pane are listed the possible operations: Turning Graphic rank (ie, rearrange pages), Graphic merging documents (mixes page), Split, Merge / extract documents and Mix 2.
Once you have selected the desired function and the pdf's retrieved, you can get to work. By turning the possibilities are limited to rotate in 90 ° increments, that specifies or for all pages or only for the (un) even-numbered pages should be done.
Choose your Graphic rank, you get a thumbnail of all related pages are displayed with in and zoom out. Mouse (or buttons) can now pages elsewhere drag, but it is also possible specific pages from here to rotate or delete.
A similar story for the Graphic merging documents: first you get all the pages in a list, and you do it but in the desired order to compile your new pdf.
The Split function offers several convenient options: you can break the PDF into separate pages, odd or even pages apart, but also can indicate from which page or file you want to see the pdf split.
In short, a handy tool for those who absolutely need these capabilities. PDFsam can be both Windows and Mac and install the source code can be freely downloaded.

Download  from here

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