Jailbreakme 3.0 to jailbreak the IPAD 2 very soon and it's not me who says it is the developer of the comex jailbreak itself that the announcement on Twitter.
It all starts with the Tweet, which seems trivial, but it Veeence another developer well known on the stage of jailbreak that provides explanations and clarifications on many tweets.
Indeed, Veeence us that this "bootstrap" referred COMEX is the last part of the jailbreak, and it should arrive soon. Here the many tweets and translation.
From left to right: "JailbreakMe 3.0 is in preparation! And it's always for the Sun / Funday "," Not on whether today, but soon. The bootstrapping is the latest phase in the development of a jailbreak, "Tweet twitter of a user:" Does that mean that it will be this evening or is should I go to sleep "Veeence Response: "Go to sleep, it might take longer, and maybe you wake up with JailbreakMe 3.0"
Another conversation between veeence and iH8sn0w jailbreakme us that happen in 24 hours:
The response of veeence
The wait really should not be so long, it's a matter of hours! And you expect to jailbreak a 2.0 jailbreakme as easy as when it was enough to open a web page and make the gesture to unlock?
[EDIT] One last tweet Veeence very recently confirmed the imminent arrival of jailbreak:
It all starts with the Tweet, which seems trivial, but it Veeence another developer well known on the stage of jailbreak that provides explanations and clarifications on many tweets.
Indeed, Veeence us that this "bootstrap" referred COMEX is the last part of the jailbreak, and it should arrive soon. Here the many tweets and translation.
From left to right: "JailbreakMe 3.0 is in preparation! And it's always for the Sun / Funday "," Not on whether today, but soon. The bootstrapping is the latest phase in the development of a jailbreak, "Tweet twitter of a user:" Does that mean that it will be this evening or is should I go to sleep "Veeence Response: "Go to sleep, it might take longer, and maybe you wake up with JailbreakMe 3.0"
Another conversation between veeence and iH8sn0w jailbreakme us that happen in 24 hours:
The response of veeence
The wait really should not be so long, it's a matter of hours! And you expect to jailbreak a 2.0 jailbreakme as easy as when it was enough to open a web page and make the gesture to unlock?
[EDIT] One last tweet Veeence very recently confirmed the imminent arrival of jailbreak:
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