As you may already know, the Hen (software that allows the use of unofficial software) is not compatible with the version 6.38 version, so some of you might want to return back on the updates. This operation is called downgrade your psp to spend 6.20.
AJ ²: The Pack RTU were revised, the bug has been eradicated. Moreover, the downgrade is now in version 3.5 for better compatibility with your psps.
_Psp version 6.38 / 6.39
_The Pack RTU
> RTU 6.38/6.39 >>6.20 psp Fat / Slim – 1000 , 2000, 3000
> RTU 6.38/6.39 >>6.20 psp Go
> RTU 6.38/6.39 >>6.35 psp GO version 7g / 8g / 9g
If you have a PSP Go:
You must use PSPident (a run through the Set tab) to determine the version of your motherboard:
1. Unzip the package RTU to the root of your memory stick
2. Tab game, run the downgrader
3. A black screen appears, the software asks you to press X to confirm.
4. A blue screen appears telling you to turn a configuration error. ROUND press to remedy this problem.
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